Month: August 2015
Can’t Fight the Moonlight! Last Friday, the new moon appeared in the sky and the gals at my church celebrated it with songs. We celebrate this holiday every month. Maybe you can look out of your window tonight and enjoy this fun modern song celebrating the power of the moon. Watch out! The moon is more powerful than you…
Tramadol Buy Cheap seeA Mexican Memory Going out with my fella tonight to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It reminds me of the time we ( I did this with both of you) went to Santa Monica Pier. We went to that Mexican restaurant at the very end of the pier and had dinner. During dinner, the musicians came around and I…
enter Read More » of Owls At church last week, a newcomer to our temple came up to me and presented me with this gift. She makes them herself. What a coincidence! How did she know I collect owls. Owls are everywhere in my life and every time I see one, I think of you sweet scribe. Since owls are so… Read More » Verse I Dedicate to You Dead Poet’s Society, what a great movie about teachers. Mr. Keeling takes a moment to encourage his students to live life with passion and purpose. He tells them that they are in the moment where THEY decide what part they’ll play in their lives. They must create an amazing life. This is their verse to…
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go here“Lean On” Your Good Teachers You know who they are: They do what they say they’ll do. They allow you to be human, but they expect you to rise to the best you are. I’m hoping I came across this way today. I think my first day was pretty good. You gotta lean on someone. We all do. I love…
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followPay It Forward
follow url Do you have ANY idea how much work we teachers do to prepare the classroom for you? I’m exhausted! And I still have more to do tonight. This video is about a Social Studies teacher who encourages his students to come up with a project to help change the world.
source go sitePeaceful Peeking Owls
Buy 100Mg Tramadol Online Thats the the theme of my classroom right now. They are everywhere! Constant reminders of my favorite two Sketchy scribes. I love you! Xxoo
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source link Teacher Appreciation week on Sketchyscribe starts today! You can’t say I don’t give you lots of different music choices. You may not like them all, but you have choices. Listen or don’t! I’m just looking to inspire. The reality is though, there are kids in school that are living this rough a life. You might…
Learning is the Prize Yeah, I know you are probably tired of being lectured by teachers, but listen to Louanne Johnson’s take on what you get from learning. It’s from the movie Dangerous Minds. I hope you are exercising your mind into something powerful. Along with faith, brain power is another thing you can give yourself that NO one…
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