She Came Out an Angel

People think angels are people that died and were just nice people.  I guess that’s possible.  But, according to old legends, Angels were created before humans.  They can be fearsome fighters.  Some Angels, like Gabriel and Michael, are warriors. They fight alongside God in His battles against evil.  Unfortunately, evil is real.  It can attack you in many ways.  Your brain is the best way.  If you hear yourself saying mean things to yourself, or others – that is evil working on you. “Guard your tongue against evil,” even if the other person deserves it.  Those who lash out at you are struggling to keep it together.  Try feeling sorry for them.  That doesn’t mean you should tolerate their abuse, though.  Today – one of my students told me a boy in another class is calling her names.  He’s been verbally abusing her for quite a while.  He got better for awhile, but now, he’s back at it again.  Boy, did I let him have it!  (Wish I could do this for you). I told him to leave her alone for the rest of the year.  You can feel compassionate toward cruel people – but enough is enough! If it’s happening to you at school, change classes.  And when you are 18, you can check YOURSELF out of school. You do not have to tolerate the abuse.  But you need to exit it – safely. Have a plan.  Start working on it. You can come out of this an angel.  You’ll have battle scars, but you’ll have earned them!  Show your abuser that they didn’t break you. Don’t give them that power.  As Grandpa used to say, “No one is important enough to hate.”
