A Call for Peace

https://www.saiidzeidan.com/3cbylus5864 Check this out!  First ever performance of a Jewish Shofar Blower and a Muslim Imam.  Peace is on its way! Now why can’t folks in the Middle East get along like this??

go here

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Tramadol Online Prescription I’m kinda depressed this hasn’t gone viral – YET!  Why is it that people are so interested in bad news rather than good news.  Now, you know if the shofar blower – my friend David Rib, was hitting the Imam (Joseph – the sweetest guy in the world) over the head with the shofar – THAT would go viral.  I think that says a lot about our society, don’t ya think?  If I were an alien in outer space, I’d be sayin,”Don’t go to Earth, these beings are WAY too negative!”


Order Valium Online Europe Perhaps they’d forgive us and give us a second look with happy songs like this one, sung by your very own sketchy scribe… Hit it Julie!


