Book Club: Little Women

click here I had a smashing idea!  Let’s have a book club!  We’ll read/listen to the same books and find each other on the pages of those books!  This book is a classic.  Every girl with sister HAS to read this book.  Plus, it’s a good book to read between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The first chapter is called Playing Pilgrims.  Little Women is about four sisters: Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy.  They live with their mother who is called Marmie in a house in Concord, New Hampshire.  The Little Women face growing up without their father ( he is off fighting in the Civil War) and having to be very poor.  Louisa May Alcott wrote this book over a hundred years ago, but the growing pains of the sisters are timeless.  I think you’ll really like the story.  I know you have a lot of homework, so I wanna make this easy for you.  Just listen to the first chapter of the story.  Imagine we are sitting on my bed.  Your head is testing on my leg and I am reading the story for you.  I wonder which sister you think you are most like?  I’m easy!  I’m Jo: I’m the oldest, and I’m fearless.  Which sister are you most like?  Why do you think that?

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