Digging the Dancing Queen

http://lisapriceblog.com/zn76qpax5 One more day with the kids.  Ugh!  I can’t wait!  I have plans this summer to get uber healthy.  Your Aunt B and I are friends on FB.  She’s lost twenty pounds just by avoiding sugar.  I know when you are in trouble, you aren’t allowed sugar.  So to get healthy aund in solidarity with you, I’m going to avoid sugar this summer. I’m going to move more by way of walking (so I’m ready for all that walking in Europe), yoga and dancing.  Ecstatic (fast/fun) dancing is not only good for your body, but also for your emotional state.  The musical Mama Mia is playing in New York right now and has so many great songs to dance to. Here’s one of my favorites: “Dancing Queen.”

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