I hope you had a great first day off from school! I hope you hung out in your PJ’s, watching TV and being uber lazy. If you were with me, I’d have been right there with you, PJ’s – talkin’ about all the gal stuff.
go My story today started four weeks ago. I had a date with a very handsome fella in LA. I go. We had fun. We have a second date. On this date, I ask more direct questions and discover we are not as compatible as I had thought. I thought he had figured it out too when I did not hear from him again…until today. Today, I get this random text from him saying that I never responded to his last text (I admit I did not, but it just didn’t hit me as much to comment on). He understands that I’m telling him (by saying nothing) to “buzz off.” I admit, I can be very cool at times. He then offers me a link to a ticket to his sister’s concert. (She’s a comedian in Hollywood). I’m sitting there, among all my report cards, ungraded papers etc… and going “What the f#$%^&*()?” WHY? WHY do men do this? Why do they act so hurt when THEY chose not to follow up? Cod Online Listen girlies…IF A MAN LIKES YOU…HE FOLLOWS UP! Learning this early will save you MUCH heartbreak.
Buy Cheapest Tramadol I think he’s kinda irritated that I picked up on our lack of suitablity before he did. Why weren’t we compatible? Easy. He thinks God is a crutch. He thinks people who believe in God are silly.
Tramadol Online Mexicofollow url Yeah, not going to work. After this year and a half that I’ve been posting, you KNOW this guy will not win my heart. Negativity like this is just not interesting to me. Then I read this. I find stuff like this on Facebook all the time and I save it for posting to you…
see url
Online Tramadol Overnight Get this: criticism does not end. It will always be on your path. Accept this. There are various kinds of criticism: constructive and destructive. Consider the source before you take the criticism too seriously. Consider the agenda of the person handing it to you: do they intend to harm you with their words, or do they mean to help? Perhaps they do not say it as well as they could. This fella’s agenda is clear – he’s trying to convince me he’s a great guy that I don’t appreciate. But he’s wrong. He’s a great guy, just not the guy that works best for me. NEXT!!!! I decided to forget about him and do my favorite thing in the world: post my love for you. The next song is so true for me: “I have sunshine on a cloudy day, cause I have my girl,”(your love.) I’m not going to let myself get hooked into this negativity.
follow link I am a bit gun shy these days, I admit. I just so like the peace of my world without this kind of junk. How do I know it’s junk? Well, here’s another story…
click hereNon Prescription Tramadol Online Several years ago, I called for a sub and took the day off. I guess my request for the sub didn’t go through because I got this frantic call from our school secretary. I answer my phone. Her first words to me were NOT “Where are you? You are supposed to be here! What’s the matter with you?!”
source site Her first words to me were, “Prudence, are you OK?”
enter I was stunned because, at this point, I did not know why she was calling. Only after the scenario concluded did I think HOW she handled the situation. She was so caring. This is what a kind person wants to know. I have never forgotten her kindness. She’s still our school secretary. This is the kind of people in my world. url Keep THOSE people closest to you and contribute to their happiness as much as you can. In the meantime don’t listen to the negativity. Sometimes its even in your own head! Put it aside: draw a picture, write a story, watch TV, just DO NOT LISTEN to that junk! Go peacefully back to your “art” and contributions. 🙂 Be well.
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