Happy Fourth of July, my sweet girlies!!! I’m going to Grandma’s house for Independence Day. She’s having steak, potato salad, corn on the cob, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. You know how Grandma does everything up nice! We should have a yummy dinner. We are also having two friends over. The next door neighbors are doing their own thing. That’s OK. It makes things a bit easier on Grandma. You KNOW how frantic she’d be to get the house clean if special company was coming.
source site Later, my friends are coming back to my house by the lake to watch the fireworks. You can actually watch the fireworks from my front lawn! Isn’t that great! No crowds! No traffic. Just pick up your chair and take it back inside the house when the fireworks are over.
Buy Valium Mastercard I know you are both getting more and more independent! Even if it’s just in your thinking. Remember, adults are trying to help you. They can see ahead to things that teenagers can miss because teenagers are not as experienced in life. I know you feel invincible at times. And sometimes you’re drowning in an ocean of emotion. It’s tough being a teen age girl. Breathe. Again, Breathe. You’ll grow up soon enough. Then you’ll have to worry about stuff like keeping your low paying job. It doesn’t look like oldest brother is coming to Universal Studios with me. His job needs his attention so he has to stay put. Being Independent requires that, sometimes. Ne-Yo has a cool song called “Miss Independent.” I heard it several weeks ago and have been saving it for today’s post. Enjoy!!!