Hello June!

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https://www.rmporrua.com/6722k0ob I’m just SO glad school is out!  Paperwork is done.  Room is packed.  I do have a training on Monday, and planning Tuesday and Wednesday but it’s all good!


https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/8sce1r3d I also got my party invites out today.  I’ll post a picture tomorrow!

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https://riverhillcurrent.com/cux701y8ts I was out all evening meeting our new student rabbi.  We get a student rabbi from the Union for Reform Judaism.  We get a new one every two years.  So, the president of the temple and I led services tonight to give him an introduction to how we do things. It was fun, but I’m pooped!  I just got home, in fact.

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Buy Genuine Valium Online Uk Now that summer is here, I intend to find lots of fun things to do. I’m going to take a spa day in with my girlfriends from temple, go to the farmers market, and maybe take in a baseball game or two.  I’ll have fun, at any rate!

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