Happy May Day!

enter May Day is a tradition in Europe and  England that dates back to pre- Christian times.  Girls dress in wreaths of flowers and dance around a large pole connected by various colorful ribbons. It is a celebration of Spring.

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see url I usually go to the Renaissance Pleasure Faire each year at this time and enjoy watching the young girls dance around the maypole.


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https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/cheap-valium-for-sale-uk.php I sat down with my favorite fortune teller and had a reading.  I asked about you both.  This card came up:

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https://bettierose.co.uk/sjj1vov0rsw The Fortune teller says that you both still love me very much.  You are the girls in the picture.  One of you talks about me a lot (which upsets the stepparent quite a bit), while the other is silent in her love for me.  All I care about is that you are ok and that you know I love you.  As far as I can see, our bases are covered.  It was nice to be reassured that you know I love you.  According to this card, we all rejoice in a love that is deep for each other.  I was in your lives too long to be extracted.  And you…well, I think you both know how much I love you.


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