Happy Mother’s Day to My Two Favorite Aunties

http://lisapriceblog.com/tnmuqmtktp Happy Mother’s Day girlies!  I’m a wee bit behind on the story, so it won’t launch as fast as they have in the past.  I’ve been uber busy, as you know.  I did buy masks for the plays yesterday.  And I’m spending time with lots of amazing women in my life.  I hope you are finding girls and women that help build you up and make you laugh.  Women should not be each other’s enemies.  We are a sisterhood of amazing individuals.


go to site And aunts are the first women we meet, after our moms.  In lieu of moms, they keep the children going and safe from harm.  Did you know that in the walrus world, the auntie walrus will put herself between a predator and her niece/nephew walrus?  Yes, being an aunt is an important job.


https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/hhn4poetx Great give your niece a BIG kiss for me (as well as for you) and read her a few stories of you can.


https://opponix.com/jbc8jlj It is important to talk to your nieces like they are grown up.  Children don’t like it when you talk to them like they are stupid.  Give her beautiful ideas to think about too.  Be sure that whenever she leaves your presence,  “she is so full of joy, she can feel no sorrow.”

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https://valkyrieswebzine.com/nouvel/online-valium-review.php Don’t spoil her with stuff you buy her!  This can really backfire on you.  Give her lots of “you and me time!”  You have a couple great models of “aunting” to pull from.  Remember what YOUR aunts did to show you love.  Nothing against the mothers in this world (they are getting a whole day today, right?).  But Aunts rock too!  Happy Mother’s Day to my two favorite aunties!

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