Well, another September is here: my birthday month. And if I could have ANY wish, my first wish would be to see/hug my two beautiful sisters. That will be my wish when I blow out my candles on September 19th. Every other wish pales in comparison. It will be great to have the cooler weather back. Its just too hot these days! School is going well. My iMovie class is a real smash! My principal is so proud. My students are very sweet and still very talkative, but that’s nothing new. New things: my hair is longer, that’s about it. I will not be doing a Drama club until January which will give me a chance to relax a bit. Maybe I’ll have a chance to work on my writing again. Change is good. It helps you feel like you are moving forward. But I refuse to change the pictures on my Facebook, laptop, chrome book, iphone and ipads. They are ALL pictures of you – both. I refuse to forget what you look like. Any other change – I welcome whole-heartedly. And I’m sure there will be some. I hope life continues to treat you well and you are happy being “the freshman” and “the senior.”
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