Holiday Craft: Stained Glass Window Art

source site I’m pretty sure I showed you that we did this last year.  But I don’t think I showed you HOW we did it.  Since Bea loves to learn to do things and Purity loves art, I thought I’d show you how to make a holiday stained glass window ornament. My students are making candles, pointsettias, Christmas trees and angels.  But you could really do this with any design.  When you are finished, you can put it in your bedroom window and your room will look more festive for Christmas.  This is a very easy craft.  You don’t need the lamination paper.  I’ve used cling wrap: the clear plastic you use to cover food in the fridge.  Ask your older sister where that is in the kitchen. It’s probably with the tin foil wrap/ sandwich baggies drawer.  People tend to store those things together.  Here goes…

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