My Home is my Sacred Space My home feels like this…

source site Sacred Space Well, I’ve settled into my home by the lake.  I’ll finally have a little time to relax and enjoy it.  I was still unpacking quite a bit at Christmas.  I do need to organize my books somewhat, but things are, for the most part, in their proper places.  I’ve taken a few walks down to the marina. It’s a quaint little place.  I thought it might be fun to share little nooks and crannies of space within my sacred space: let you see the home that I’ve made. So I’ll be posting pictures of places throughout the house.  I will not post the front of the house.  Anonymity is important on the world wide web.The house makes noises at night which I’m getting used to: creaks etc… Birds chirp a lot, even in the evening hours.   I hope, someday, that you have a place where you can go that lets you breathe and relax like this place does.  It’s far from perfect.  The tile on the floor is cracked in places and some of the wood flooring is broken.  But, I think that gives the house character.  My plans for my break are simple: rest.  I plan to take a walk each day.  I’m going to yoga tomorrow with a friend, seeing Grandma as much as I can, working out (of course) and do a bit a gardening in my little back yard.  Maybe I’ll even fly a kite.  I have one with the sisters from the movie, Frozen.  I wonder why I chose THAT design.  Yes, you are both on my mind – as usual.  I’ll also be going to “Paradise” to research our Easter story for the website.  I’m telling you, being a writer is pretty amazing!  You get to go off the amazing places to research for your stories.  I can’t get this to pay off – yet.  But I’ve been thinking about Travel Writing.  That way, I can research, write, get paid AND get a great story out of it.  What do you think?  Of course, I’ll need to put off my teen novel story.  Probably best to do right now anyway.  Need to protect the innocent, right!?  Yes!  Anyway – life is feeling very good right now.  I hope it is for you as well.  Enjoy the pictures of my sacred space.  And know you are ALWAYS welcome, for as long or as short as you desire. 🙂

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