How to Throw a Party: Step 1 First, you gotta have a theme.  What will your party be about?  Will it be a Mexican fiesta, 70’s Disco Party or a Country Western night?  You won’t get too far if you don’t decide on this step. Make sure it’s an idea you like.  You are going to be living with this idea for quite a while.  When you start researching the decoration ideas, cake, flowers will you still be excited by the idea?  Here are a few pictures from the research for my ceilidh.  Since it’s a housewarming party with a Scot-Irish twist I thought red roses and thistles would be beautiful flowers to decorate my table.

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source url image I plan to top the cake somehow with a wee little British cottage. Figurines of cottages are too heavy.  They’ll sink into the cake.

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source The top layer of the cake will be made by a professional cake decorator/maker who Iives in your town.  I guess he won one of those reality baking shows.  Anyway, he’ll make the top layer and I’ll make the second/bottom layer.  I tasted his cakes today.  The Bavarian creme filling was so good!  But I think the chocolate java was just a little bit better.  I was going for a chocolate whiskey cake (whiskey is VERY Scottish).  But the gal helping me suggested a cake that tastes of Bailey’s Irish Cream.  That’s a liquor that you actually put in coffee.  This is an adult party so I can do that. 🙂 Once the cake is layered, it will look like this!

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here It will only be two layers though.  Pretty huh?  See, research can be fun!  Go ahead ladies! Pretend you are having a party, decide on a theme and research flowers and cakes.  It’s so much fun!  Kinda makes you feel like a happy bride!  And every gal deserves to feel Iike that at least once in her life.