I Love God

Order Tramadol Cod Online Purity drew this picture Christmas 2007.  I believe she had just sung with her class choir.  I still have the program.  You kids sang “Up on the House Top.”  What a good show.  I remember it.  And I’m glad you feel close to God.  I hope you BOTH still feel this way.

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Tramadol Cheap Cod God is a constant presence in my life.  I’m always consulting Him.  He’s my best friend, my heavenly Father, and my big brother all rolled into one.  I hope you are still talking to Him.  Don’t just talk to Him when you are sad.  Be sure to thank Him for all your blessings: a roof over your head, food to eat, clean water to drink, air conditioning, etc…I am thankful that you both are my sweet sisters. I can’t imagine how I’d have gotten through parts of my life without getting to see your smiling faces and feeling your warm embraces.  Next Saturday night, my church friends are all coming over for the moon dance party.  Before it starts, we’ll hang mezuzot (me – zu- zot) on each doorway inside the house.  Each mezuzah that is hung will be blessed which will make my home a sacred space: a place of learning and loving.  I already got one mezuzah (singular) in the mail today.  A friend from temple had it sent to the house.  Isn’t it beautiful?  I think I’ll hang this one by the front door.

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https://thelowegroupltd.com/gi82l4rq Inside each mezuzot (plural) there is a scroll written in Hebrew.  Basically it says this:


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follow I like the part where it says to teach loving God to your children.  I hope I’m doing that.  I know you are not MY children.  You are my little sisters.  But I believe God will give you strength when you need it.  I wouldn’t be a very good older sister if I didn’t make sure you had all the strength you need.  🙂  This is a very old prayer.  Probably at least two thousand years old.  This is how it sounds when we chant it:


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