If I Am Not For Myself, Who Will Be for Me?

https://thelowegroupltd.com/f7wkegfsnq This is a saying that Jews say during the Passover celebration.


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https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/29de0cb You MUST take care of your own needs!  Don’t expect someone else will do it!  Ha!  That’s a joke.  If you are lucky, someone will help you, sometimes.  You gotta be self reliant.  You…are the one person you can control and count on.


follow url However, it cannot all be about you.  Doing things for others is good.  Be “of service” to your fellow humans.  Be careful you don’t fall into “being a servant.”  Where’s the line?  Well, you ALWAYS have a choice.  No one is forcing you to go to school.  But you go because you know your life will be better in the long run.



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