I’ll Be There

https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/sjoe8rptd Last night went really well.  My church friends are so supportive.  I think I’ve been so successful in my friendships because I manage to find good people and I stay with them.  I’ve been going to this temple for over twenty years.

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http://lisapriceblog.com/fhuj5hxj I hope you are both well – getting through the rough patches. I did feel your love and strength last night.  Thank you.  I love you so much and I think of you hundreds of times a day. One of my students JC (I’ll call her) drew this picture of us.

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https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/pop4j5wszt image

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source You are both taller than me now.  Wow!  Time flies!  I hate that I’m missing all your good/ bad days.  Maybe you could find a place to make a diary (at school on Chrome book) where you can log all your good/ bad times.  Then when we are together, you can tell me everything I’ve missed.  I’ll listen. Just as I always did.  In the meantime, I’m here.  And “I’ll Be Here” whenever you need me.  The Four Tops have a very groovy song with the same name.  Your cosmic VJ sends it to you with all her love. – The Sketchy Scribe


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