Buy Diazepam Ampoules It is easiest to feel God’s strength and love when things are going well. Joy seems to be flowing: like when we are giggling in the front seat of my car. It is when life becomes difficult, that it is hard to continue reaching to God. It is so easy to get angry and blame Him for what is happening. But God gave us free will and we make decisions in life that, in retrospect, were not the best ones. I have made decisions in this mess that I regret. And it is very hard not getting to see you both. But in the most difficult moments, I reach toward God and I thank Him. I thank Him for your being here in the US and not over in some war zone. I thank him and praise him for the fact that we love each other. I am so glad you both were born. You KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I REALLY love you. Many people in this world have no one who they know loves them. And things will change, because change is the one thing you can count on. So tonight, do not lift your head to Him in anger or bitterness. Praise Him in this storm.