I’m Still Learning Love…

source url Well my sweet little sisters, your big sister messed up BIG time.  The break up that I’m experiencing is partly my fault.  Perhaps even more.  Fear can lead you to say stupid things and prioritize your life in the wrong order. Yes, this lady lost her cool head and said stupid things.  This morning, I apologized to my fella.  He was very kind to listen to what I had to say.  And we are not back together.  We’re going to take a few weeks/ months to be sure we really feel ready to continue.  In the meantime, I’m going to write, and get ready for the new school year.  We all mess up sweet girls.  The important thing is to admit it and learn from your mistakes.  From now on, I plan on thinking before I speak.  And I’ll be sure to remember what a good man I’m in love with.

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