It’s a Small World, Isn’t it? Ok, imagine we have a Fastpass to the front of the line at Disneyland’s, It’s a Small World Ride.

source url We jump into the boat.  It sways back and forth as we position ourselves in the boat.  You are both sitting on either side of me as the boat launches off into our ride.  I hug you both and keep my arms around you as we giggle in anticipation. We hear the directions to “keep our hands and feet in the boat” in several languages.  We don’t care because we have no intention of putting our hands in the water.  We embrace as we enter the darkness and the ride begins…

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Valium Australia Online

source link Now you won’t be able to forget the song. And I’m not sorry about that!  🙂

go here In my imagination, I just got to hug you both for fourteen mins.  I’m happy!