It’s Your Life! Life is tough now.  I get it.  I know there are places you’d rather be and things you’d rather be doing.  I’m not going to minimize your feelings, because that would be disrespectful.

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follow link Would it help to know that I’m having a tough time too?  You are so NOT alone in this.  We go through these periods in life where we feel like we are hacking through a rain forest with a kitchen knife.  Life is just rough!  I post so often because it makes life feel better.  Even if just for a few minutes.  I plan for the future, because I know that soon, a smile will come easier to my face.

go site Its YOUR life, sweet sisters.  People may control some aspects of your life, but they cannot control all of them.  Time is on YOUR side.  Youth and beauty are YOURS.  And YOU possess many people in this world who love you and can help you.  Keep preparing for that day when you will take YOUR life and make it your own.  I know it’s taking so long.  But you are not ready, yet.  Baby steps…sweet sisters. Repeat after me…baby steps.  Enjoy Bon Jovi’s words and music of encouragement.  You can do this!

