This Rosh Hashana’s Beautiful!

go site I know you don’t celebrate Rosh Hashana, but it is good to learn new things, right! Jesus was JEWISH after all. Jewish people celebrate this holiday as kind of “birthday of the world.” The Bible begins with these words…”In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  Did you ever wonder WHEN that happened?  What time of year?  Well, Jewish people believe that the world was created at this time of year and so we celebrate this every year.  We look at ourselves and think about how we can be better for next year.  From Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur we have ten days to really search our souls. Jewish people also wish each other a good new year!  We eat apples dipped in honey in the hopes that our year will be a sweet one.  I found this video on Youtube.  Wow!  I was impressed!  It will explain Rosh Hashana in a way that you will really appreciate. I think it will – at least – make you smile. Maybe, it will even give you somethings to think about for the next ten days.  XXOO

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