Just For Purity

https://www.pslra.org/z7lj45c I had a dream about you.  I was at some convention with my boss.  I was out at lunch and watching students from schools in in our area working on reports.  All of a sudden, you came around and I started talking to you about your report/project.  You had a very cute new haircut and you were doing a report on language.  I don’t remember what the title of your report was exactly.  Just that it had to do with English and Hebrew.  I asked if I could hug you before walking away and you said “Yeah!” I gave you two: one for you and one for Bea.  Then, I reluctantly walked away.  You caught up with me later, briefly, but then you were gone. It feels so good to be around you I never want to wake up from these dreams.  Anyway, I know you are NOT doing a report about Hebrew, but I thought you’d enjoy seeing a song I teach my Hebrew school students: The Alef Bet Song.  When you were in Kindergarten, you learned the ABC song.  Same idea.  The letters are in “alef bet” order.  This way, when my students get older, they can use a Hebrew dictionary to look up other words. P.S. Hebrew is read right to left instead of how English is read: left to right.



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