Just a Regular Saturday

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/mtvfnej1y Nothing too exciting.  I taught Hebrew to a class of adults this morning.  That was a challenge.  Adults are so much slower at learning than kids are.  Sometimes, its because they just believe they know it already, sometimes it’s because what they are learning IS very challenging (like computer stuff) and the adults just need more time to process it.  It was fun, but I’m glad I don’t have to do it every week.

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source Then, I came home and continued getting ready for my big Mother’s Day bash.  I bought Grandma some perfume.  I also bought myself a little Mother’s Day gift.  I know I’m not a mother, but I’m doing motherly things a lot lately with your brother living in the house, so I think I’m entitled to a little something.  Besides, I’m buying it for myself.  You gotta do nice things for yourself, sometimes.  I bought myself a CD of the opera I’m going to see in San Francisco: La Boheme.


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