Keep Love in Your Mind

I know it can be hard, little sisters.  You gotta CHOOSE your thoughts.  I always tell my students “just because you have a thought, that doesn’t make that thought true.  Have you ever heard yourself say…

“Boy, am I dumb!”

We all say it to ourselves sometimes.

That does NOT make it true.

Somedays, you REALLY gotta watch what thoughts you hold onto.

Thoughts of love, beauty, sweetness, kindness, caring – keep those “flowers.”

Thoughts of anger, confusion, sadness, depression – “weed” those out.  You cannot pretend you are feeling this way.  But you gotta deal with these feelings in a healthy way.


I go work out when I feel angry or bad.

Its better to get my frustration out on weighted balls or robes than to get it out on others.  🙂