Lights Will Guide You Home

follow link I found this beautiful song as I was looking for something to post to you both tonight. What a wonder. The lights that you are seeing in the video are not a fantasy. They are called the Aurora Borealis. They are also known as the Northern Lights. Remember my posts in Europe? I told you the sun sets very late in the northern part of the world. Even further north, once the sun sets, you can see these beautiful lights shimmering in the sky. The Native people of the north (Don’t call them Eskimoes, they hate that name. They are called Inuit if they live in Northern Canada). The Inuit believe that the Northern Lights are beloved warriors who have died, but are coming back to grace the sky and let their relatives know they love them. What a beautiful thought, isn’t it? Sometimes just one beautiful thought or one enchanting song can brighten your day. I wonder if you hear the songs I send you later in the day deep in your imaginations. I do. I think this song will haunt me (in a good way) for several days. Coldplay does a great job with their song “Fix You.” It makes me feel like you are right here next to me, holding me around the shoulders as you used to and we are looking up at this amazing spectacle. You are my home, sweet girls. And I am yours. Good night. Sleep Tight, Pleasant dreams. I love you. XXOO


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