Looking for a Home in the Desert

https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/valium-10mg-buy-online-india.php So with my lease date ending soon, I need to find a home in the desert.  I know I need three rooms: one for each of us.  I know you haven’t told me what you want to do, but I’m preparing for you.  If you don’t come, I’ll fill it with bunnies instead.  But YOU have first priority!  Don’t worry about me.  I’ll be happy just getting to hug and talk to you.  But if you want it, I’m looking for a home for us to help you heal from this experience and move forward with your lives.  I’m looking for a laundry room — Oh, I can’t wait!  I’m looking for a fenced backyard.  I’m looking for a place we can exchange with a European family so we can travel “across the pond” in more comfort and convienence.  I did look at a house today.  Not sure I liked the neighborhood.  Too far out in the boonies.  I like being in the “thick of things.”  Here’s a sketch of the happy home I’m looking for. It will be happy if you are smiling in it, my darling sister gals!


here Desert Sketch
