Love You Like a Love Song

get link I’m so ready for Fall break!  Getting more work done on report cards.  The work is slow but steady.  I had a rehearsal last night for a performance I’m in next Tuesday night.  I’ve been performing in this event for almost twenty years.  It’s a Thanksgiving Service hosted by an Interfaith Council. People of different religious groups (Christian, Mormon, Jewish, Hindu, Ba’Hai etc) get together and pray.  It’s an amazing night. One of the parents of my Hebrew School students are accompanying me on the piano and her kids are playing the trumpet and violin.  It’s kinda like getting to be Selena Gomez or something.  I’ll have to get all dolled up (hair, nails etc…) and then go perform.  Last night we checked out the venue, the Mormons are hosting this year at their church on Ridgecrest Road. Last year, my accompanist and I really brought the house down.  Purity saw me rehearse for a play once.  That was a treat.  And I’ll be thinking about my two sweet girls as I sing.  I love you like a love song.  Don’t you forget it! 🙂

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