The Wisdom of a Ten Year Old Girl

How To Order Valium Online Tonight was my Back to School Night, so I’m posting a bit late.  You know I teach nine and ten year old children.  Here is some wisdom from the mouth of a girl this age.  It’s amazingly accurate.  You might remember, Purity, about a time when you called me all upset over some boy who was moving away to another state.  Remember how upset you were that night?  Remember what I told you?  I told you that a boy that doesn’t do everything in his power to keep up with you was NOT worth crying over.  And what happened?  A whole lot of nothing!  Turns out, he wasn’t worth getting too upset about.  The man who NEVER leaves (until he passes away), THAT is the man you cry over!  There are lots of good men out there.  I know lots of them at church and at work.  I don’t know if you need to hear these words today, or if you’ll need to read them a few months from now – but now they are here.  And when you need to remember these words, they’ll be in the September 2015 archives of our website.  Also, listen to the next song and remember how very much I love you both.  I hope my never ending posts are proof of how much someone can love you.  You deserve this kind of never ending love in your life, my sweet girls.  I love you.  Listen, “my baby” and know that you are loved! No Boy is Worth Crying Over