I bet you wonder why “we” don’t fight harder in this family drama. I could understand it if you wondered. Here’s why… Years ago my grandmother got very sick. Her daughter, my aunt, was in charge of my grandmother’s money. After my grandmother died, your Grandma and Grandpa (who took care of my Grandmother in the last/most expensive months of her life) asked my aunt for some money to pay bills ( hospital bed rental, chemotherapy treatments etc). She refused. She kept all the money for herself. This REALLY angered Grandpa! He felt like Grandma ( and her nursing abilities) had been taken for granted. They chose to sue my aunt for over $5000. Five years of Grandpa walking around “the kingdom” complaining and Grandma crying (cause she felt so guilty suing family) was excruciating. Your mom ALSO walked off on us for the first time during this period. Damn it was a tough time! In the end, they won nothing. All that drama – for nothing. We’ve never spoken to my aunt since then. Now, she’s dying of Alzheimer’s disease. Can’t talk to her about it now. So, you see – families can be destroyed if you fight too much. Sometimes, you just gotta ask yourself if the battle is worth it. I’d prefer to save my “battle” for the moment when it will be the most productive. And I refuse to allow anyone to disrespect me, especially in front of you. I’ve been there/done that too! (Another story for another day – work related). I’ve backed off doing anything in this situation because I don’t want to put you in a position to get yourselves in trouble. I hope this story helps you understand our position. Losing family is very hard. I’ve had LOTS of experience with it. I pray everyday though that I do not have to experience it, yet again, with you two. Continuing “to crawl forward toward you.” Please don’t stop crawling forward toward me. I love you. Xxoo
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