Paper Swans

go to link Bea says she likes it when people teach her how to do fun things.  Today in class, we are making origami swan and boats.

enter site We’ve been reading a story in class called Grandfather’s Journey.  It takes place in Japan and California.  Again, I know it’s a little kid story, but we all need a good story know and then.

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go here Yesterday, I told my reading class about OUR story: how we used to be able to spend time together and now we can’t.  Then, the stories from them just poured out: loved ones who were lost, terrible traumas they’ve experienced.  We all saw that we ALL have a story to tell. So today, I have Grandfather’s Journey for you AND how to make an origami swan.

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go to site Now, here’s the origami video… Try making the swan.  It’s fun!


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