Preparations: Passover So excited about Passover this year.  I’m having the conversion class at the temple to my new home for a very easy going, but traditional Seder. last night, I put all bread products in my house into a bag.  I “sold” them to a friend of mine today.


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Buy 100 Diazepam I’m not supposed to have any bread products (or chametz – pronounced ha- may- tz) in my house after Thursday night.  I call it the Passover diet.  Tomorrow a friend of mine is coming to clean the house while I’m at work.  So I’ll be ready for Passover.  I’m helping to lead the community Seder at the temple this year. Should be fun!  I’ve never done THAT before.  I’ll get to sing one of my favorite songs in Hebrew: Eliahu HaNavi.  It’s about Elijah the prophet.  I think I love the melody more than the words.  It just sounds so beautiful…listen.



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