Mirror, Mirror…

https://www.mckenziesportsphysicaltherapy.com/89dkccfczx Ok, one more post.  Waiting for my yams to steam.  I never realized how good yams really are!  I mashed them up with lemon juice last night and sprinkled some cinnamon on top.  So sweet and yummy!  What do you think image

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https://bettierose.co.uk/785lfiuss Today was a tough day.  Gonna have to go fight the angry dwarves I left behind – tomorrow.  And I left work super late tonight too!  We all have days like this sweet girls.  Just keep your chin up and know that you are so very loved.  Tomorrow will be better.  I’m so thankful I had good grades in school (though not as good as yours).  It gives you options.  Options like deciding when you’ve had enough of something.  I can just go home and veg out in front of the TV tonight.  Can’t do it every night – but I can tonight.  Options are truly a gal’s best magical weapons –  Abracadabra: poof!  You are no longer Cinderella.  You are a powerful queen.

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