Rejection is God’s Protection: Part 2

enter site In the previous post, we started the theme of break ups.  But what happens when someone breaks up with you? Part 2: The Art of Being Broken Up With

click here First of all, you feel horrible!  You ask yourself, “How could I be so stupid?!”

Tramadol Buy Online Cheap Uk Congratulations!  You are joining the human race again!  We ALL get dumped at some point.  But…there is a way to handle it –  with grace, strength and dignity.

click here First of all, this is NOT a begathon!  Do not beat this dead horse.  Ask your sweetheart why he feels as he does.  Do not cry.  REALLY listen.  If he’s like most men, he won’t have too much to say.  This can drive women crazy.

Valium Online Uk Next Day Delivery Decide right then and there you are going to do everything from this moment on that brings peace into your world.  There’s that word again.

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here Hang out with your girlfriends, write funny stories, don’t sit there and say horrible things about HIM.  Let him go!  Besides, that won’t really make you feel better. I know you are hurting.  It hurts when people reject us.  Just try not to reject yourself. Remember what I told you Purity: if someone REALLY loves us, they will not allow themselves to be out of your world for too long.  Maybe he needs to work on himself?  Maybe he isn’t ready to love you in a way that leads to something more permanent? Make a list of projects you want to do and do them.  Get busy.  Get into a relationship – with yourself.  Avoid rebounding with someone.  Not a good idea. Take some time to figure out what went wrong so you won’t make the same mistake again.

Order Tramadol Paypal Read great books, take hot showers, eat yummy food, giggle with sweet friends.  Do anything and everything that will make you smile.  Above all, be gentle with yourself. Focus on being healthy in every way one can be healthy: emotional, physical, spiritual, mental.  I read self help books sometimes and they help me gain balance and perspective. Some of my favorite authors are: Dr. Phil, Dr. Wayne Dyer and  Dr. Barabara De Angelis.  Dr. Dyer put out a really cool film called The Shift. You might want to watch it in pieces.  There is so much in just the first fifteen minutes.  I encourage you to watch it slowly.

Where Can I Buy Cheap Tramadol Online There is a certain dignity that comes with being the person who was left behind.  YOU did not leave – they did.  And if they change their mind and want to come back, be careful…be very careful.  If this becomes an unhealthy pattern – consider taking some major time away before reengaging the friendship. You WILL be loved the way you deserve to be loved.  Just not right now.  But that love will come to you sooner if you learn to truly love yourself.  I know I’ve sent you this song from Maroon 5, but it seems appropriate for tonight’s post.  And as usual, I sit here on the corner (of your computer screen) “standing in the pouring rain” (Reign of the powers that be) knowing how very much I love my two sweet sisters.  Never doubt that!  XXOO  
