I know I’ve posted this in the past. A few decades ago, African Aparteid was a major issue. People were dying and Africa needed the people of the world to step up and help them. The major music stars of the day: Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, Tina Turner and many others came forward with this song – “We are the World.” It’s about volunteering what you can to help others. Lots of people paid lots of money to buy this song (I don’t think CDs had been invented yet). A ton of money was made for Africa. The artists gave their time and their talents. I guess the theme today is give. Give what you have, no matter how small: give your time and help a friend learn something she is struggling with. Give your talent. Even if the best thing you do is organizing your closet, SOMEONE will appreciate and need that talent. Money is just the most obvious gift. But it isn’t the only thing that can be given. Think – what are some things you can give? Any talents or huge chucks of time you could put to better use? ?