Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day!

You gotta be grateful for what you have, right this very minute!  Right now, I have two months of vacation – paid.  I have a pizza being delivered to my house and two beautiful sisters that inspire me to be more, every day.  Remember…


But at the same time – UGH!  I miss you both!  I can’t wait to get to see you both again.  I know Rome wasn’t built in a day!  I know I need to be patient.  And I will continue to be patient BECAUSE it is the best thing for you.  It will be a “fine day” when we can run away together again and go on one of our neat adventures.  In the meantime… Enjoy Morcheeba and her rendition of “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day.” The very beginning of this lyric video is a bit sketchy.  But, this is sent, especially for you both, by your beloved Cosmic VJ!  Hit it!