follow Hangin’ out with my kitty today having a quiet day at home. Laundry is almost finished. Fed the birds in the backyard. Now, we are just waiting for them to realize that they have more food. As always, I’m thinking about my sweet girls. I bought a few more owly things today.
follow site So far, its been a good day. Grandma isn’t feeling so well and did not want to go out. I have the rare chance to stay home and enjoy some peace and quiet. I’m going to have a quiet lunch and enjoy the peace and serenity of my Thanksgiving house. That’s what I decided to call it. Fitting isn’t it. This house is a healing place. Come, take a stroll in the backyard with me for a few minutes… I know serenity can be hard to find in a house filled with people. But you can do it. Just take a deep breath. Now, take another. That’s right. Focus on your breathing. When you cannot control the actions of others, go back to taking control of your breathing. Center yourself. Don’t expect so much from people if they prove, over and over, that they are not to be trusted. Keep your boundaries up with folks like this. They “do NOT get a discount just because they are related to you.” I heard this on Super Soul Sunday this morning. Iyanla Vanzant is one of my mentors. I’m going to get her book watch Trust which I believe will greatly inspire future posts on our website. In the meantime, tune into your serenity. And remember…
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