Summer Vacation Time FYI: I’m going on a trip up the coast starting on June 27th.  I won’t be in town through July 2nd.  Kris will be here though if you need anything and he’ll be watching the house and my kitty cat.

go to link I thought this might be a fun opportunity to write another adventure story.  We haven’t been to Europe in awhile.  And since you can both drive (Bea – at least a little bit), you can help me keep our little Green MINI Cooper on the right roads.


get link Get your bags packed.  Bring a swimsuit and clothes you can layer. We’ll go into Amsterdam first as I want to see the Anne Frank House.

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Tramadol Order Online Mexico We’ll get back in the car and start for Copenhagen. Of course, my real trip mirrors this trip (except for the fact that I’m doing it all in California.)  I intend to write a travel article about my trip and attempt to sell it to a travel magazine like this…

follow link The next day, we’ll get back in my MINI and start driving from Copenhagen, through Jutland (Denmark) and into Germany.  I hope you realize that roads are different in Europe than they are here: Their left side of the street is the right side and visa versa. I’ll drive first so you can both get a bit used to this.  Just keep reminding me to “stay to the right.”

follow Purity may take over driving in France.  I’m sure Bea will want to look out the window as we drive through the French countryside.  I’ll take over in Paris.  Trust me, Parisian drivers are nuts!

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follow site Bea can give the wheel a try as we drive towards the Pyrenees Mountains and Northern Spain.  We’ll be home long before July 4th and long before the parents catch you out of bed. 🙂

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