see Looked at a couple more houses today. One is very near our local community college (where someone might wanna go to school) and the other is in a nice neighborhood in the next town over. The one near the college was built in the late 70’s so it might be a bit older in look. It is also in a nice neighborhood. The rent is decent and it is just the right size. It has carpet throughout and a fireplace. We could play up the whole 70’s thing by decorating parts of it in 70’s style. Wouldn’t that be fun?! I know Purity might like that. No Bea, you wouldn’t have to do that to YOUR room. We’d come up with something different for you. You would need to share a bathroom though. (Please keep fighting to a minimum.) Here is how it might look if we go with the 70’s shower theme. Cute huh?! Tramadol Buy Uk