see You both should know about this: the Aspire Program. It is to help women of all ages (tween through adult) to be aware of what exactly is domestic violence and how to get yourself away from someone who is abusing you in a safe way. It was set up by Dr. Phil’s wife Robin. But it is for ALL kinds of domestic abuse: dating abuse, neglect, etc… They even have a free app that you can download if you are in a dangerous situation. This initiative is so popular, schools are adopting it as curriculum to help girls avoid being hurt on dates etc…Please check it out. It helps with ALL kinds of abuse. 🙂 goOne thought on “ The Aspire Initiative”
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followThe Sketchy Scribe
watch Copyright 2025 sourcehere Theme By I Am One I checked out the app. Looks very much like a news app, but if you type in the names and numbers of people to contact in case of emergency, you can use the app to tell those people you need them. You can also program your phone in settings to let people know of your location at all times in case someone tries to kidnap you out of the area. Really cool app!