The Serenity Prayer

source link This prayer helps me a lot when I’m struggling with life not going as I’d like it to.  There are some things we can change and if we can make a positive change then I say ” try for it.”  But if the change causes you to sacrifice your own well being – do not surrender.  Then you pray for the ability to live with what you cannot change. I’ve had several instances of imagethis in my life. Once, I had to work with this majorly controlling female coworker ( actually, I’ve had to do this several times). She lived on the premises too, so I could not escape her controlling ways.  Those were the longest two weeks of my life.  Another time, it was four years.  Yes, I’ve lived and worked with all kinds and you will too.  The trick is to know/accept what you can control and shrug the rest off as the other person’s issue.  Sometimes, to make peace, you must apologize.  And sometimes, even if you do, all will never be forgiven.  That is something you cannot change.  Focus on what you can control and change.  Your sanity will thank you for it.

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