go to link This song was uber popular when I was in high school. Now, why would I post a war song for my beloved sisters? Well, it goes along with the other post for today.
https://tvnordestevip.com/e23nmnnlj0chttps://www.frolic-through-life.com/2025/01/b9b7zeon5t9 We all have chapters in our lives that resemble a war scene. Life does have a way of throwing us for a loop. How do you cope? First of all, remember – we all have situations like this. It won’t last forever. Sometimes it feels like our home is like a war zone. Sometimes its work that’s the war zone. Do what anyone would do in a wartime situation: keep your head down, survive and wait until you can change tactics. “War is stupid, and people are (can be) stupid.” Keep trudging through the jungle! You’ll make it! Just DO NOT GIVE UP! This song seems kinda lighthearted at first, but I think its really more sarcastic.
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