This Brings Me Comfort

Tramadol Buy Canada It sounds almost TOO simple, doesn’t it.  Whether you call it Karma, divine intervention, the wrath of God, whatever – life does have a way of working itself out.  You just gotta take care of you. That’s the trick.  People will try to convince you that you OWE them because they are “family” or they gave you this or that.  Don’t fall for it, sweet sisters.  I’ll tell you what I regret most from being eighteen, I did not listen to my inner voice.  That voice that said, “You can do this!” I know Grandma and Grandpa were just trying to protect me from the harsh and very cruel outside world.  But if I had looked for and found the happy medium, I might have gotten more of what I was dreaming for.  I had two adults that were good to me and would protect me if I stumbled.  You have at least one adult that I know of.  🙂  I should have gone for my Hollywood acting career.  Then, I’d have no regrets.  Regrets SUCK!  Also beating yourself up for situations that happen.  Guilt is such a waste.  It zaps you of your happiness.  I confess, I give into it sometimes too.  But, then I try to get the happiness going again.  It isn’t that you push your feelings down deep inside you.  You need to feel what you are feeling.  But you get them out (punching bag, writing a story, talking to a trusted friend).  It takes time to feel better.  Someimes a lot longer than you might think.  But remember…

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