Just Can’t Let Go of You, Bea

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go to link Decided to skip my last day of work.  Yeah, I can do that.  Seventeen years on the job gives you that autonomy.  I went up to Big Bear for a quiet day of shopping and walking.  I’m looking for clothes for my cruise.  The cute little boutiques up here will afford me some choices.  I had just had enough of working. I wish you were here shopping with me.  You are a picky shopper, but I’d be so happy to hear all your “objections” to this dress and that shirt if only you were here.

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click here Between you and me, I’m sick of teaching – at least in this context.  I love the kids, of course.  Kids are amazing to spend time with.  But I have a feeling to REALLY help kids, I need to focus on their parents.  Not sure how I can do that the most effectively.  I can understand Purity not wanting to teach.  It’s not a bad job.  It just needs to change – drastically – to be more effective.  Not sure how.  Just seeing the need.


follow link I’ll keep teaching though, at least through next year.  Gotta stay financially stable.  If two certain young sisters need me to help them, I need to be able to do that.  Senior year is expensive!  Homecoming dresses, prom dresses, graduation announcements, grad gear – I’ve heard it’s crazy expensive to get a gal graduated from high school.  But I’m prepared to do it. TWICE if need be. And now I know a few things about invitations, flowers and dresses.  ☺️

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Tramadol Sales Cheap Anyhow, I started to write this post to remind you how much I love you.  I’m working on making the house so beautiful so you will feel comfortable when you are able to visit – whenever that is. Remember, you are unforgettable to me.  I love you so much! I promise you, Bea…I will keep writing you.  I love writing. It is my passion.  I love that you share this passion.  Keep writing Bea.  You have such talent.  Share your talent with the world.  The world needs women like you:

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https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/c76d2b7f Funny, this song just came on.  I cannot help thinking of you when I hear it.  We are “one step closer” to being closer. It feels like a thousand years, but I can wait.  I love you.  Xxoo


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