Imagine back how you felt a few Christmas’s ago. You probably thought the world was coming to an end. Everything you knew was changing. But now, you know how strong you are. You’ve made it through so much. And you’ll keep making it through. Time does heal a lot of wounds. It doesn’t heal everything, though. You’ll need to have some space and lots of understanding after this experience. This is Enya’s song, “Only Time.” I tried to find the faster pop remix but I couldn’t find it with the lyrics. It’s kind of a sad song. Losing love can be hard. We all lose love at some point. But ask yourself if you’ve really lost it – or not. I guess I keep writing you so you KNOW what it feels like when someone refuses to lose you. You can see that I’m not backing off. I’m relentless. Real love refuses to give up. Do not be fooled into believing what some silly boy tells you. They’ll say just about anything to get what they want. You can’t imagine the lies I’ve heard – and believed. We are all foolish sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Pay attention to people’s ACTIONS. Their actions will tell you what you need to know. Honestly, boys your age can talk talk talk…I’d just translate that into “Blah…Blah…Blah.” Healing a broken heart takes a long time. It doesn’t heal if you jump too fast into another relationship. You both need to be very careful who you choose, both as friends and boyfriends. The last thing you need is someone who lies to you and takes you for granted. Be careful, sweet sisters. I love you. XXOO