follow site I really love this song by the Byrds. It’s from a verse in the Bible in Ecceciastes. It just reminds me that change is inevitable. No one can stop it. It’s like death and taxes (which you haven’t had to deal with). You’ll get through this time and you’ll find in retrospect, there were moments you smiled and were strong. There are lots of these moments. Try to focus on them. That isn’t to say you push more negative feelings down and pretend they don’t exist. Try channeling them into your workouts in PE. Yesterday, we were working with these weighted ropes. We had to fling them up into the air and then slam them down. At one point, I started thinking about the “family drama.” Man, I slammed those ropes down HARD! My arms are sore today, but the anger has disappated some. I think I’ll do that again today during the leg workout. Yeah, things are going to change – I’m getting gorgeous! And I know you are too!
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