Tools that make you alone An abuser wants you to be alone. Isolated. No one to talk to. Your world becomes theirs. They are the voice you hear inside your head. Your family and friends are pushed away. The abuser may even tell you that they are leaving because they didn’t love you or are disloyal to you. The truth is…. they want you to think you don’t have anyone who cares about you. Because once you are mentally broken, you are easier to control. You do what the abuser wants. You go where the abuser wants. ….And you lose the most valuable what is of the most value in this world…. You lose, yourself. You become a mirror image of the abuser. Their idea of fun becomes your idea of fun. What they are interested in, is what you are interested in. You stop being yourself, because you are isolated. Isolation is the number one tool of an abuser.

My friend Amber shared this with me on her FB page.  So I copied it and am posting it here.  Amber works with battered and abused young women and children.  Thanks friend of so many years!  You are a Godsend! My friend Amber shared this with me on her FB page. So I copied it and am posting it here. Amber works with battered and abused women and children. Thanks friend of so many years! You are a Godsend!

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