Walking Among the Artists

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/ayqw0f8i2v7 What a day I had today!  I took myself to Simi Valley to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.  While I was there, I saw an exhibit from Vatican City in Rome.


enter The Vatican is where the pope lives.  The pope is the most important Catholic clergyman.


Tramadol Prices Online The most special church is also in Vatican City: St. Peter’s Basilica.  That church is special because St. Peter was buried there.


https://www.mbtn.net/?p=0lfqxp7lo St. Peter was one of the two most important followers of Jesus. The other was St. Paul.

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go site You aren’t Catholic so you probably don’t see these men as saints.  But Catholics of the world do and it’s basic knowledge. You might already know this from your history classes.


see Anyway, the art was so breathtaking! Seeing the art of Giotto, Raphael, Micheangelo and Bernini up close was a dream come true.  Now,  I want to go to Italy next summer.  Until then, I’ll just have to make due with seeing exhibits like this and talking to angels like you… Check it out!  The exhibit is here until the end of August.

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