We’re Steel Magnolias: A Letter to my Bee

source link Dearest Bee,


https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/buy-diazepam-cod.php I hope you don’t think I’ve forgotten about you?!  I know it’s harder for you and I to connect given that you do not have a phone or any means to see the world wide web.  I hope this can change for you somehow.  I believe your move into high school will make things better for you.

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click I remember when I was in eighth grade.  I was going to a performing arts jr. high school and getting to do lots of acting.  I learned set design AND advanced acting.  I was lucky. I love the play called Steel Magnolias.

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follow link Below is a scene from the movie with Julia Roberts and Sally Field.


https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/j87grsfjg I hope your sister reads this to you and this helps you know how much I love and think of you everyday.  I miss you both so much, it hurts.  But, we’ll get through this.  We’re tough!  We’re Steel Magnolias!


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