follow site These long summer days have me pondering the bigger questions… What is Love? here Wow! What a question. Poets throughout time have tried to answer this question. I’m not sure who’s right or who’s wrong. Maybe it’s not as cut and dried as all that. Some say “you have to love yourself first before you can love someone else.” But, at the same time, you must allow yourself to be vulnerable in order to be loved. Some people want to put a time limit on loving – “If he doesn’t propose in two years, I’ll dump him.” Honestly, that doesn’t seem very loving or patient to me. I often think of what a book called The Talmud says about love…
enter go herefollow url “What can I do to make HIM happy today?” is my first thought when addressing a new day. To me – that’s the beginning of what love is. That DOESN’T mean you don’t take care of yourself. Of course you do or how can you have the strength to put yourself aside when needed in order to be there for someone else.. This post isn’t about loving yourself. I’ve had TONS of those posts, as you know. Cheap Tramadol Online Cod What I’m saying is that loving someone means you really try to live in a way that shows the other person that you want their happiness and you’ll do everything you can to ensure their happiness. That’s all.
Tramadol Online United Statesget link I’ll be pondering this question more in the coming weeks – I’m sure. 🙂 url But in the mean time, let’s hear that great Rod Stewart song again. Here is “Love is.” Take it away, Rod!
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